Today’s Lynch List

Sorry for the slow posting lately, folks. There’s just not that much to talk about! Honestly. Truly. We’re not trying to gip you here at the Lynch Mob. We’re real stand-up folks. Anyway, here’s the daily stuff.

First off, a bit of a grab bag. A little more coverage of the Infidel Blogger Awards from Gates of Vienna, while Blazing Cat Fur says: time’s almost up to get your nominations in, so you better hurry up. Meanwhile, Semper Vita notes John Fulton’s ordeal at the hands of the Ontario Human Rights system, while Blazing Cat Fur and Freedom Through Truth note Gilles Lacaille’s chastising letter to the Daily Observer: Part of our heritage ( thanks to Blaze for the link, by the way ).

Second, Jay Currie gets results! From Jay’s blog: FOI in:

You will remember the coward Lynch when she was speaking in Dublin referred to a death threat against her. From her speaking notes:

and here is a sample of just one threat directed at me: “Someone
needs to take this fruitcake … shoot her in the back of her head
so that her face can’t be recognized, dump her body in a mass
grave, and cover it with lime.”
freedom site FOI request pdf these remarks are still not posted at the CHRC

Now, while I don’t think that’s a threat apparently others did. My FOI request asked for “files, correspondence, memoranda and emails dealing with the letter and its consequences”.

I got 88 pages, most of which are heavily redacted. However, there is this interesting fact. The Commission did not find out about the “Jessica Lynch” post at on its own. Nope, they had help.

I noted this post to [readcted] blog.
Jennifer Lynch is the Chief Commissioner to the Canadian Human Rights Commission. It needs to be taken seriously and I would add this to your file. I am CCing the CHRC FYI


Bernie M. Farber,
Chief Executive Officer,
Canadian Jewish Congress

Now, we don’t know who Bernie wrote in the first instance but his email is dated 9/8/2008. The blog post in issue was 6/18/2008.

Much heavily redacted correspondence ensues with the Ottawa Police, the RCMP and the CHRC’s “Strategic Initiatives” group, “Corporate Services” and “Security”.

Amusingly, there are four pages of handwritten notes with the legend “FYI, These are my notes from my daybook” with the name or initials redacted on the grounds, apparently that that name or initial “could reasonably be expected to threaten the safety of individuals.” Yeah, right.

I will be going through the redaction in detail and will be filing complaints where appropriate. But nice to know Bernie is trolling the internet underworld looking for “threats”.

Read it here. Also noted by Blazing Cat Fur and Five Feet of Fury ( acting uncannily in concert…).

Third, from Scaramouche: Liberals blast Tories for failing to protect Canadians’ “human rights”:

Actually, they’re concerned primarily with protecting the “rights” of a certain Canadian–the one down in Gitmo:


You parliamentarians should step up and DIY. But since you and your fellow Grits are so focussed on (obsessed with) the rights of a “child soldier” and remain firm supporters of state censorship (control freaks that you are), and since the Tories aren’t exactly willing to lead the way, that remains the remotest of possibilities.

Read it all here.

Fourth, from Dawg’s Blawg: Canadian citizenship, second class:

Another significant omission from Jason Kenney’s shiny new booklet for aspiring citizens: there are levels of citizenship in Canada. Just ask our Native people, remorselessly played with by a succession of governments, impoverished and neglected, unable even to get decent schools out of the current regime. Canada is one of only three countries in the world (Australia has since ratified) that have taken an international stand against Native rights.vacated the hearings on November 6. And so the dreadful plight of children on reserves continues, with no remedy in sight.

A potentially explosive case, two years in preparation, is now before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. It is a challenge on behalf of a group of particularly vulnerable second-class citizens–Native children living on reserves. The complainants’ arguments appear to be powerful indeed, and the Canadian Human Rights Commission, upon receipt of the complaint, forwarded it immediately to the Tribunal for adjudication.

Some preliminary procedural matters were disposed of in August and September, with the full case scheduled for today. But without a word of warning or explanation, the new Harper-appointed Chair of the Tribunal, Shirish P. Chotalia,

Read the rest here.

Finally, the Haroon and Bernie show; women’s rights; and a circle of acquaintances.

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